About SEEDS Cornwall


SEEDS CORNWALL are a group of female survivors of domestic abuse from all areas of the county. We are committed to influencing and improving agency responses and service delivery for other women and children living with domestic abuse.

Our members receive training in domestic abuse awareness and presentation skills to assist the group in representing the voice of survivors and working with the media providing interviews etc. to further raise awareness.

Our aims for the survivor

To be a voice for survivors, increasing understanding of the experience of domestic abuse amongst those working in the statutory sector.

To work with survivors in Cornwall to obtain their views about the eectiveness and value of local services for women experiencing abuse.

To empower women to move forward in their lives by making positive use of their experiences.

Our aims as an agency

To highlight good practice, identify gaps and challenge poor practice.

To represent survivors at the safer Cornwall forums and to work collaboratively with male and LGBT survivor forums.

To participate in the national domestic awareness week to raise awareness.

The starfish story

A man goes for a walk on the beach in the early morning. He sees a girl walking along the sea front picking up the starsh that have been left stranded by the outgoing tide on the sand. She is throwing them back into the sea. After a while he goes up to her and asks her what she is doing.

She says, “I am throwing the starfish into the sea otherwise they will die.” “But,” he says, “if you lived here you would know that starfish get stranded on the beach day after day. The beach is long, the sun is rising and there are so many starfish – what is the point? What you are doing may be very nice but I am araid to say that it will not really make a difference!”

She looks down at the starsh cradled in her hand and says, “to this one it makes all the difference”.